If you are in the market for a stain-resistant shell to be applied to your teeth to drastically enhance the look of a tooth and give you the smile makeover you’ve always dreamed of, consider cosmetic dentistry to meet your needs. Cosmetic dentistry features a multitude of treatments that can drastically improve your smile. One highly effective option to consider... read more »
Moderate to severe dental stains can rarely be improved by the retail strength tooth whitening products sold in stores. Most lack the potency to remove discoloration that has saturated tooth enamel. Some can even prove harmful to your teeth and other soft oral tissues. If you have been struggling to deal with unsightly stained teeth that appear in your smile,... read more »
Your teeth can develop cavities as a result of lingering bacteria, sugar, and food particles that aren’t cleared away daily or seen by a dentist during regular dental checkups. If your tooth enamel develops tooth decay, our dentist may be able to repair the tooth and prevent more extensive issues by filling the cavity. Cavities on the molars and premolars... read more »
That haunting time of year is here. Halloween is such a fun time, with costumes, spooky movies, and trick-or-treating. Avoiding candy at Halloween can be very difficult. That is why Dr. Mike Henrickson and our team would like to tell you which candies are best and worst for your teeth and your child’s teeth. Sticky or Gummy Candy Gummy worms,... read more »
Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping your teeth, gums, and mouth clean to prevent dental issues. In order to have good oral hygiene, you need to have clean teeth, healthy gums, and pristine breath. To achieve that goal, our dentist, Dr. Mike Henrickson, has some tips and recommendations for you. The first things you need to do is brush... read more »
Here at Henrickson Dental, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles. Each... read more »